Using bindline with weak_refs

bindline provides two key functions that wrap weak_ref’s functionality:

These behave similarly to the functions in FredEmmott::weak_refs(), however like all ‘bindables’ in bindline, they can optionally be composed in a pipeline:

using namespace FredEmmott::bindline;
// Create a functor that stores a weak_ref to `ref`, converts it to a strong_ref, then passes it to `f`
auto fn1 = bind_refs_front(f, ref);
// Do the same thing but with a bind pipeline (bindline):
auto fn2 = f | bind_refs_front(ref);

Most users will just want using namespace FredEmmott::bindline;. As FredEmmott::weak_refs contains identically named functions, if you wish to use other components of weak_refs such as the type aliases or concepts, you can either use qualified names, or pull in the sub-namespaces of weak_refs, e.g.:

// Pull in all of bindline
using namespace FredEmmott::bindline;
// Explicitly pull in some specific features from weak_refs; don't pull in the whole library,
// as we'll then have ambiguous function references for `bind_refs_front()` and `bind_refs_back()`
using namespace FredEmmott::weak_refs::weak_refs_concepts;
using namespace FredEmmott::weak_refs::weak_refs_ref_types;
using namespace FredEmmott::weak_refs::weak_refs_reseaters;

For details see: